What can MMABS do for me?
It’s all about the bottom line. MMABS will impact your bottom line by accurate coding, timely filing and follow up, and actively pursuing payment of outstanding balances. At the same time, you will experience a savings by not having the fees that are associated with staffing a billing position.
What type of medical specialties do you provide services for?
Medical Management and Billing Solutions provides billing services for all types of providers; internal/family medicine, anesthesia, psychology/psychiatry, cosmetic surgery, orthopedic surgery, dermatology, and others. We also bill for ambulatory surgery centers.
What services do you provide?
We perform the same functions of an in-house biller/collector.
Are payments sent to MMABS or to me?
Most of the time it is not necessary to change your payment procedure.
What about our past due accounts-how will you handle them?
Patient statements are sent out monthly. After three statements we send a collection letter informing the guarantor that further action may be taken if payment is not received or if a payment plan is not agreed upon and followed. If there is still no response we will contact you about turning the account over to a professional collection agency.
How do we get our billing information to you?
Patient demographics, insurance information, and superbills and charge tickets may be faxed to us, or the scanned images may be e-mailed-whatever is convenient for you.
What if my patients have questions about their account?
We provide business cards with our contact information to give to your patients. They may call or e-mail their questions.
Sounds good! How long will it take to get started?
The first step is to review the size and specific needs of your practice and present a proposal. That will take approximately a week. After the proposal is accepted and signed it will take one to four weeks before we have everything loaded into our system and are transmitting all charges. Generally, electronic transmission to commercial carriers is accomplished within days. It can take up to six weeks for Blue Cross and Medicare.

“As always, you and your company are so professional and always willing to help and lend a helping hand. I appreciate you and all the ladies there. All of you have such patience and understanding.”